Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's Been HOW Long?

Five months sure flies by fast. My intentions were good. I did not want to contribute yet another lonely, orphaned blog to the blogesphere. At the very least, I wanted to wrap it up nicely - provide some closure - instead of stopping abruptly.

Honestly, I've yearned to get back to this since my last post. I drafted so many entries in my mind. What happened? Life. Life got in the way. Further explanation would just bore (or compromise national security).

What kept me on track before were class assignments. Without them, I was left to my own devices...which don't work very well under some - ahem, sorry, most - circumstances! But there is still so much to talk about:
  • The changes to my e-portfolio web banner and the site overall.
  • What I've learned about how writing and technology has impacted the way we think.
  • That "gimp" is more than trim on upholstered furniture!
  • How to be "heard" in the literal sense on the web via podcasts.
  • Techniques for modifying photos.
  • Cyborgs, "post human" humans, and video games.
So, no promises or commitments here for longevity or regularity. We'll take it a day (or, more realistically, a week) at a time and hope things work out. But I do promise to not walk away forever without saying "adieu".